Undergraduate and Graduate - COLPOS

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - COLPOS

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - COLPOS

P.1 Number of Graduate Programs that include the IAR Principles and DVGT in their curriculum

P.2 Number of modules / subjects that include the IAR Principles and DVGT 

P.3 Number of graduate students who have received training 

P.4 Number of hours taught on IAR and DVGT Principles in postgraduate programs 
12 in classroom and 16 in field work
Pa Program of the modules / subjects of the postgraduate / master programs in which the IAR Principles and the DVGT have been included 1. Management of the Social Development Project. 2. Institutions and Public Policies in Social Development. 

Pb Description of the teaching methodology in the postgraduate courses (workshops, presentations, assessment exercises, ...) Theoretical-practical in the classroom; workshops; meeting with adult and young producers. In the classroom, the topics were presented by the teachers responsible for the subjects considered in the inclusion of the IAR principles, and then the group discussed the topics discussed. With the purpose of delving into a principle, the students were asked to consider what would be the principle they would like to work on the most. The answer fell on principle 4: Promote youth participation and empowerment. Based on this concern, two workshops were held with youth populations in two locations in the Puebla Valley: San Mateo Ozolco from the Municipality of San Andrés Calpan and San Lorenzo Almecatla de San Juan Cuautlalcingo. As a result of the field work, a technical report was prepared. 

Pc Profile of the students: country of origin and formation of Degree Ings. Agronomists, sociologists, international market, education science and environmental science. Coming from different states of the Mexican Republic and Bogotá, Colombia. Among the states of Mexico with the most students in the master, Puebla, Tlaxcala and CDMX stand out. 

Pd Description of the coherence of the inclusion of the IAR and the DVGT in the Postgraduate program With respect to the research activities, the commitment was made to carry out a diagnosis by collecting information in 11 municipalities of the Plan Puebla area in which variables such as: Food security, economic growth, youth, food systems, among other principles were included. A database with the following variables is available: population, sex, schooling, income, services available to the population, remittances, financing, poverty, marginalization, GDP per capita and economically active population. And in relation to the IAR agricultural systems principle, the project with the key PUE15148E.2019.02 called “Link between knowledge and action: The cases of innovations: Hybrid HS-2 and CPV M401 Zapalote Precoz. In the linking aspects, the innovations generated by researchers from the Postgraduate College were used: the HS-2 and Zapalote Precoz maize. 2 lots of 2 ha were established for the production of HS-2 seed and 10 ha of Zapalote Precoz. For the first case, seed was obtained to sow 400 hectares and 1500 hectares for the case of the Early Zapalote.
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