Undergraduate and Postgraduate - UANAR

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - UANAR

Teaching: Undergraduate and Postgraduate - UANAR

G.1. Number of Degree Programs that include the IAR Principles and DVGT in their curriculum:
7 academic programs at grade level 

G.2. Number of subjects / subjects that include the IAR Principles and the DVGT: 
14 subjects during the day and at night

G.3. Number of undergraduate students who have received IAR and DVGT training: 
1,120 students in the school year (560 per academic period)

G.4. Number of hours taught on IAR and DVGT in degree programs:
672 academic hours 

G.5. Equivalence of indicator G.4. in academic credits: 
560 academic credits
Ga Name of the program of the undergraduate subjects in which the IAR and DVG Principles have been included: Professional in Business Administration, Professional in Public Accounting, Professional in Computer Engineering, Technology in Electronic Process Control, Technology in Business Management, Technology in graphic production, professional technique in administrative processes.

Gb Description of the teaching methodology in the undergraduate courses (workshops, presentations, assessment exercises, ...) The teaching methodology for the inclusion of the IAR and DVG principles in the teaching process is based on the phenomenological study of realities specific to each student and their community, these being understood as living laboratories, whenever the opportunity to provide partial or total solutions from the endogeneity of local development becomes viable.
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