In Universities - PUCMM

Research and Bonding: In Universities - PUCMM

Research and Bonding: In Universities - PUCMM

During the academic year 2018-2019, liaison efforts were made with the following entities: 
  • The national representation of FAO 
  • The International Executive Service Corps (IESC), to promote the IAR Principles and the DVGT in the program, “Exporting Quality with Safety”. 
  • Banreservas, through its PROSPERA program. 

These three entities showed a willingness to join the PUCMM in promotional work. 

Conformation of the Dominican Climate Action ACD coalition), based on the encyclical Laudato Si. The ACD brings together, with the leadership of the PCUMM, several universities in the country, as well as various interest groups and environmental activists, in an open, apolitical and multidisciplinary platform focused on research, analysis, coordination and development of mitigation activities in the effects of climate change. Public launch of Dominican Climate Action, involving the following institutions: o Santo Domingo Technological Institute (INTEC), through the Observatory on Climate Change and Resilience Sustainability 3R Reef Check Formalization of the link to the promotion of the IAR Principles and the DVGT of the following entities: o Rural Economic Development Support Program (PRORURAL) Special Fund for Agricultural Development (FEDA) Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MARENA) Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MSMEs (MICM) Banreservas, a through its COOPERA program. Incorporation of the IAR Principles and the DVGT in the PUCMM Social Responsibility Policy.
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